Tuesday, August 21, 2012

LCLB July Newsletter Archive

Welcome to the first edition of the LCLB Newsletter!
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Low Carb Ladybug Newsletter

July 2012

About Me

Welcome to the first edition of the Low Carb Ladybug Newsletter.  I have been following a low carb lifestyle for the past five years, which has improved my health and helped me to lose over 175 pounds.  Recently I attended the 5th Annual Low Carb Cruise and caught the "bug" to spread the word.  My hope is to motivate and encourage others through my experiences.  Any feedback or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, just click the email link at the bottom of the page and let me know what you think.  Thank you for subscribing! 

—Susan aka The Low Carb Ladybug 
Low Carb 101-Where do I start?

There are many versions of a low carb diet, most start off the same way with an induction period where carbohydrates are more restricted.  The next phase you gradually increase your carbohydrates until you find the level where you can continue to lose or maintain your weight.  Atkins is a great plan to use and there is so much information available online.  Here are some links explaining Atkins and the induction process.

Objectives of Induction
How to do Induction Right
What you can eat in Phase One
Getting Started
Getting Started Part 2
The First Week
Low Carb Mistakes

 The Atkins Food Pyramid

Low Carb Cruise 2013


This past May I was fortunate enough to attend the 5th Annual Low Carb Cuise on the Carnival Magic.  I recommend to anyone who follows a Low Carb or Primal/Paleo lifestyle join us on the 2013 cruise. 

Here is a list of the tentative speakers.


Click here for more cruise info!


 Low Carb Blogs


I have been low carbing for five years now and up until April 2012, I had never met another low carber face to face.  How did I stick with this for so long?  Blogs!  Having an online community of  friends was a big help.  Being able to locate the tools when I needed them, have helped me to succeed.

I would first like to mention the Livin La Vida Low Carb Blog by Jimmy Moore.  Jimmy is the official voice of the low carb community.  If you have a questions about low carb, he has probably answered it.  Not only does he have a great blog, but three very successful podcasts and a youtube channel.  Here is a link to his web site.

Jimmy Moore Podcast Blog 

The Low Carb Lady Bug Facebook page has some very special Lady-Bloggers!  I am very happy to have met them on the recent low carb cruise and they are very inspirational to me and I am sure they will be to you as well.  These are in no particular order...I love them all equally!

Carb Tripper
Healthy Low Carb Living
Bad Food Broken Body
Healthy Living How To 


Low Carb Podcasts and Videos


Over the past year I have become a podcast junkie, I use my commute and times I am travelling alone to listen to my favorite podcasts.  I can't begin to tell you how much information I have learned driving to and from work.  Even when I see a subject I know nothing about, I still usually have an aha moment.  This month I would like to give you the link to Jimmy Moore's three, yes I said three podcasts!  The link will take you to the podcast descriptions and you can listen to them on your computer or download to your smart phone or tablet.  I go to iTunes, search and download.  Search for, "The Livin La Vida Low Carb Show", "Jimmy Moore Presents: Ask The Low Carb Experts", and "Low-Carb Conversations with Jimmy Moore & Friends."

Jimmy Moore's Livin' La Vida Low Carb Podcast Blog

Want some more information on Induction?  My friend, Kent Altena, has a great youtube channel with Atkins information and cooking low carb foods.  Enjoy! 

Atkins Diet Quick Hits-How Do I Start?

Atkins Diet Quick Hits - How long to do Induction?

Atkins Diet Quick Hits: Induction is not only 20g or less

Atkins Induction Acceptable Foods - The Good, The Bad

Atkins Diet: Induction Flu: Signs of Progress or Problems

Atkins Diet Quick Hits: How fast should I lose?
Atkins Diet Quick Hits: Post Induction Stall Syndrome


Low Carb Recipe Links

There are many great low carb recipe sites online.  Just do a Google search and you will find them.  Here are three of my go-to sites.

Linda Sue's Low Carb Recipes
About.com Low Carb Recipes

Your Lighter Side 

Low Carb In The News

There are several low carb myths that have been floating around for years, one is that low carb diets cause kidney damage.  A recent study by the Indiana University of Medicine found that there were no harmful side effect when compared to those who followed a low fat diet.  Please follow these links for more information.
ABC News Health Blog

Medical News Today

About.com Article 

Here is another article that fellow low carber, Dr. Ann Childers posted about a low carb diet study.

 Low-carb diet burns the most calories, small study finds | Hattiesburg American
 Low Carb Lisa's Book Lists


I met Lisa on the recent Low Carb Cruise and we quickly hit it off.  She is a librarian and self-proclaimed book nut,  so I enlisted her expertise creating this reading list.  You will find most of them on Amazon.com, where you can purchase and read reviews. Summertime is a great time for low-carb reading. Jump in a hammock, grab something icy-cold and sugar-free and dive in. You'll be livin' la vida low carb in no time!

The Basics

How I Gave Up My Low-Fat Diet and Lost 40 Pounds by Dana Carpender

Living Low Carb by Jonny Bowden

The New Atkins for a New You by Eric Westman
Next Steps

The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living by Jeff Volek

Dr. Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution by Richard K. Bernstein

Diet 101: The Truth About Low Carb Diets by Jenny Ruhl

Escape the Diet Trap by John Briffa

Life Without Bread: How a Low-Carbohydrate Diet Can Save Your Life by Christian B. Allan

Natural Health & Weight Loss by Barry Groves

Primal Body, Primal Mind: Beyond the Paleo Diet for Total Health and a Longer Life by Nora Gedgaudas

Protein Power: The High-Protein/Low-Carbohydrate Way to Lose Weight, Feel Fit, and Boost Your Healthby Michael & Mary Dan Eades

Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health by William Davis

Why We Get Fat and What to do About it by Gary Taubes

George Stella's Livin' Low Carb: Family Recipes Stella Style  by George Stella (or any of George’s cookbooks)

The Low-Carb Cookbook: The Complete Guide to the Healthy Low-Carbohydrate Lifestyle with over 250 Delicious Recipes by Fran McCullough

Low Carbing Among Friends by Jennifer Eloff

Nourished: A Cookbook for Health, Weight Loss, and a Metabolic Balance by Judy Barnes Baker

1,001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes from Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle  by Dana Carpender (or any of Dana’s cookbooks)

For more low-carb and healthy eating suggestions, check out Jimmy Moore’s Low Carb Book Reviews.



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*|July 2012|* *|Newsletter|*

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